Wintingham is home to some fascinating wildlife and offers homes for people and nature. The strategic green network has been designed to ensure the lives of all Wintringham’s inhabitants – whatever their size or species – have a place to thrive.
Our natural environment is really important; not just for our own wellbeing, but to ensure an environment in which people and nature can live together in harmony. Over the past year, we’ve seen how important the natural world is to us and there has been a surge in interest in nature and wildlife on our doorstep.
That’s why Urban&Civic has teamed up with CALA Homes and Durkan Homes to invite the local community to discover more about the fascinating ecology at Wintringham by joining naturalist and television presenter Mike Dilger at a ‘Wild Wintringham’ event on Sunday, 18th July 2021.
There is something for everyone during the Wild Wintringham event as Mike guides us around the green spaces, ponds and other natural habitats which are home to hundreds of different species of wildlife.
Families are invited to join Mike bright and early in the morning to discover the wildlife that visits during the night and spot critters such as wood mice, bank voles, and moths.
In the afternoon, delve into the underwater world of Wintirngham by having a go at pond dipping to see what creatures can be found beneath the surface, and take part in a wild walk to spot butterflies, birds and bats in the areas most popular with wildlife.
Click here for more details and to register for Wild Wintringham.
The events are free to attend but to ensure social distancing and minimise overcrowding in the areas we will use, there are a limited number of tickets available for each activity. Please note children under 5 years old do not need a ticket to take part but please register the accompanying adult.