Eight weeks of work will begin in June along the A428 to put in place a new construction access from the road directly into the Wintringham development.
The new access will be installed on the A428 between the Cambridge Road and Barford Road roundabouts. It will enable a direct Construction Access to the development from the strategic road network, ensuring they are routed away from local villages and the town as part of the agreed Construction Management Plan.
The multi-million access, funded by Urban&Civic as part of the development, has been designed in a way which means that lorries can move off the A428 efficiently, without any back-log, coming into the site through the development area, to be directed on to their destination. This means they will be routed away from both existing homes along Cambridge Road and the new homes coming forward as part of the development. Similarly, as they leave the site wheel-washing equipment will be in place to ensure the impact on the road network from construction traffic is minimised.
Works started inside the site in June and will move onto the public highway on Sunday 28 June and continue until end of October.
There will be 2 nights where the road will need to be closed for the installation and removal of safety barriers – these are currently planned as Sunday 28 June and Sunday 16 August. Apart from that the road will be open as usual in the day – although a 40 mph temporary speed limit will be in place on a relatively short piece of the carriageway throughout the works as part of the safety strategy for the project.
Beginning on the 20 July there will be traffic lights in place overnight (8pm – 6am) to control the traffic. This will ensure work is carried out when it will have least impact on local residents and businesses and aim to ensure impact is kept to a minimum.
The work has been planned to carefully manage noise levels and minimise the impact of additional lighting. The area where work is being carried out is not close to homes, and whilst some aspects of the work will create some noise, we do not anticipate this will cause disturbance to local residents. Anybody with any issues or concerns should ring the Hotline number to speak to the Project team on 01449 720282 or call the Wintringham team on 01480 413141.
During the road closures a diversion will be in place – see attached map.
Rebecca Britton, Urban&Civic, said:
“Putting in place this construction access has been a commitment we made from the early days of discussions with local residents, as it is really important that we minimise the impact on local communities and manage construction traffic along the strategic road network. While we know these works will cause some inconvenience, they have been designed working with Highways England and the County Council to ensure we can keep traffic moving during works and be as quick as possible in putting the access in place.
“Once it is up and running all construction vehicles will be routed directly from the A428, taking the pressure off Cambridge Road, and ensuring a well managed construction access for the remainder of the development.”
The work will be carried out by J Breheny Civil Engineering, who have worked with Urban&Civic extensively through the early set up of the development.
Jon Tovell from J Breheny added:
“Our teams have worked hard to plan these works carefully so we cause as little disruption as possible but the team will be on site 24/7 during the works so people can contact us with any issues that emerge.”
Please note that the precise dates and times of the works may be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances and updates will be provided on signage, through local and social media.
Details of Diversions:
During the 2 nights of road closure – Sunday 28 June and Sunday 16 August – diversions will be put in place, which can be viewed on the attached map. This will take people via the A505, A1198 & A428. This is estimated to increase journey times by 8.5 miles and about 10 minutes. Also a more local one for non-motorway traffic, via Barford Road & B1046.
After 19 July, traffic lights will be in place overnight (8pm – 6am) to control traffic. The timing is planned to cause minimum delays as the flow of traffic is not heavy during these hours.
Find out more
If you have any questions, or if you would like to know about our work, please contact us on 01480 413 141 or email rbritton@urbanandcivic.com
Follow us on social media for updates on progress at Wintringham – @WeAreWintringham