Your new community awaits
From the moment you move in and become part of the Wintringham development, our Community Development team are on hand to support you and to help create and shape a vibrant community. You can find answers to lots of frequently asked questions about Wintringham on our FAQ page.
Our neighbourhood is growing fast. Here’s just some of what you can expect when you make Wintringham your home.

Christine Littlewood
Community Development Lead
Events at Wintringham

Free bike servicing for Wintringham residents
Your Welcome Pack
Look out for your copy of the Welcome Pack on arrival to your new home.
If you haven’t received yours, please contact Christine Littlewood by email.

Wintringham Residents' Association
Wintringham Residents have set up a Residents' Association with the support of Urban&Civic and are looking for people to get involved. They have also created a helpful FAQ for more detailed questions from broadband to bins, for when residents move in.
To keep abreast of what’s happening at and around Wintringham, ask questions and raise issues you’d like us to cover, residents are invited to come along to the Community Forum, which takes place from 7.30pm to 9.00pm on the last Thursday of every other month.