There has been a lot of interest in our plans for Wintringham and we’ve provided responses to the most frequently asked questions below.
Living at Wintringham
Our vision for Wintringham is to create a thriving, connected community with wellbeing at its core. A Design Code sets out specific guidelines to safeguard the quality of design through future phases of the development. We will continue to work with the housebuilders and contractors at Wintringham to ensure these ambitions are realised.
Details of prices for properties currently available at Wintringham can be found on the different housebuilders’ website. Please see links on our Homes page.
Self-build properties are one of the many housing types that Urban&Civic is considering, along with modular homes. Self-build homes are not part of the initial stages at Wintringham, however we will be responding to market demand and would like to introduce self-build in the future at Wintringham.
Education at Wintringham
Through the planning process, the options have been discussed with the education authorities and local schools, and capacity was identified at Ernulf Academy.
The development provides a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) of many millions of pounds that can be used by the local councils to address local priorities, including support to local schools such as Ernulf Academy.
Please visit Wintringham Primary Academy’s website for more information. Alternatively, you can call 01480 59585 or email office@wintringham.cambs.sch.uk.
The Academy is managed by Diamond Learning Partnership Trust, which encourages every child to achieve the highest possible standards through outstanding day-to-day teaching and assessment, an exciting, relevant and inspiring curriculum and excellent support for every child.
Getting to and from Wintringham
Since the start of the development, the U&C team has been working closely with the County Council highways team and Highways England to plan and invest in local highway improvements as part of early and phased works.
Local road network improvements include junction improvements/contributions at key junctions within St Neots namely Cambridge Street junction, Priory Hill junction, Potton Road Signals, A428 Barford Road roundabout, and A428 Cambridge Rd roundabout. This will be coordinated with the investment in the strategic network and the A428 upgrade.
Find out more about the work being carried out to upgrade Cambridge Road B1428 between the A428 junction and Bret Road roundabout at Wintringham here: Cambridge Road works
It's just a short walk from the station, depending on your starting location within the development, it's an estimated 8 - 12 minute walk.
Extensive fibre networks are part of the infrastructure works at Wintringham to accommodate both commercial and residential needs.
Leisure, retail and wellbeing
The facilities and amenities for Wintringham have been carefully timed to work with the local area, to make sure that the new shops coming forward complement St Neots Town Centre and shops within Love’s Farm. During the early years of the development, regular pop-up events are being provided to provide diverse food options and bring people together in the outdoor plaza and areas created.
The Hub at Wintringham in Phase 1, which will be in the area opposite Wintringham Primary Academy, will provide the first convenience store and café along with the health and community centre.
In the meantime, there is a major supermarket in Eynesbury to the south of the development and an express store to the north. With improved connectivity by bus, walking and cycling, Wintringham residents also have easy access to St Neots Town Centre and the wider area.
Business and employment at Wintringham
We are very keen to ensure opportunities within the development for local businesses and retailers. We have a retail strategy, which looks to ensure appropriate shop uses to support the community and the local area, and that includes a commitment to work with and promote opportunities to potential local providers and operators. You can submit and enquiry from our contact us page which will then be picked up by our commercial team.
You can submit an enquiry from our contact us page which will then be picked up by our commercial team.
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